
LUDA (The Large Unit District Association) was created in 1976 by a group of superintendents who recognized the need for an organization that would provide networking, professional development, and advocacy for large unit school districts.

Since then, LUDA has become one of the most respected voices in Illinois on matters of education policy, providing advocacy and testimony on behalf of students throughout the state.

In addition, LUDA has become an important resource for school administrators in Illinois to learn, share, and connect with each other.


Being an active participant for large unit districts, the legislative process (with the State Board of Education and at policy development tables across the state) is an important role of LUDA.  Leaders in our districts give testimony on our behalf, serve on statewide committees, and communicate with state and national legislators.


LUDA serves as a network for support, friendship, and learning among its superintendents.  Opportunities are also created for central office administrators to connect and collaborate.